Wednesday 23 October 2013


I think I'm going to change the title to London vs Rome as this is more focused than England. In England we have so many different iconic places not just London we have the Lake District, Manchester, Newcastle these places are iconic as well and Rome section might not be as easy to compare to.

With this I can start to look more into the iconic things and people from London. I can start by using mood board's to get some inspiration and start to think and come up with a list of things I can compare to.

I'm going to keep this up to date as much as I can with the things I look at such as fashion and maps as these change frequently.


I wanted to have a closer look at one of London's biggest days which is Fashion week where all the stars and important fashion designers get together to look at the new season's. It's such a big event each year and is what people work hard to get a good response from. 

I could focus on one part of fashion i.e shoes, part of clothing. Along with looking at the it supermodel of 2013. 

Cara Delevingne is properly the most famous model in 2013 just as described in Vogue she's the model of the year. She models for brands such as H&M, Burberry, Zara and Chanel. She has even walked in catwalk shows for Stella McCartney and Chanel, these all give her the crown to be number one british model. 


The most used map in London that is used is the Tube map.

This is the original tube map for the london underground, which was designed by Harry Beck. Harry Beck was originally an underground electrical draughtsman he designed a simple but creative design i 1933 which you can see above. He based his design on a more simple version of the circuit designs he drew for his job, but simpler for people to understand for the tube. This design has carried on all over the world being changed to fit other cities undergrounds but the look and the layout still looks like the one Harry Beck first designed. 

 This is the more up to date tube map for London. 


When I think about my book I think that the sites are going to be the main focus as they are such a big symbol to each city. 

Here are some of the sites that make London what it is, I could try and do some of the illustrations a bit more detailed however my style is more simple and full of colour original. This is something that I need to decide for myself. 

Both the red letter box and phone box are symbol of London as well as the sites, in London they are all over the place. People get there picture taken with them if they are tourist's and you can get postcards with them on this just explains London. 


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